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When I tried to sell our home in Torrenueva as we were moving to Florida I found out that the expansion of the house was not registered and the buyer cancelled the sale. I then contacted our lawyer Francisco Verdún. I was amazed at his rapid, continuous and intelligent actions to get the expansion registered. In short order the expansion was registered and we were able to find another buyer and sell our home. I have never seen anyone work so thoughtfully and so oriented to the needs of his client. I do heartly recommend him. Thomas Wolfe. USA.
When I tried to sell our home in Torrenueva as we were moving to Florida I found out that the expansion of the house was not registered and the buyer cancelled the sale. I then contacted our lawyer Francisco Verdún. I was amazed at his rapid, continuous and intelligent actions to get the expansion registered. In short order the expansion was registered and we were able to find another buyer and sell our home. I have never seen anyone work so thoughtfully and so oriented to the needs of his client. I do heartly recommend him. Thomas Wolfe. USA.
Verdún abogados has really served us well during all these years, Bengt Valdemarsson, Sweden

Francisco Verdún has been awarded the title of Doctor of Laws at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

On December 18, 2023 in the Salón de Grados Luis Diez-Picazo of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Francisco Verdún Pérez defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Analysis and synthesis of the case law of the CJEU interpreting Directive 93/13 on unfair terms, with proposals de lege ferenda in order to increase consumer protection", directed by the Professor of Civil Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Prof. Carmen Jerez Delgado.

Francisco Verdún, lawyer and expert in European Union Law, has obtained the title of Doctor in Law with the highest qualification cum laude. The Tribunal that gave this qualification was composed of Professor of Procedural Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Prof. Damián Moreno, as president, Professor of Civil Law at the Universidad de Murcia, Prof. González Pacanowska, as member, and Professor of Procedural Law at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Prof. Calaza López, as secretary.


By means of its judgment rendered on December 5, 2020, the European Court of Human Rights has upheld the claim made by Francisco Verdún Pérez on behalf of his clients Mrs. Karesvaara and Mr. Njie, declaring that the Spanish State has violated article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights by depriving the plaintiffs of a fair trial because the Spanish judicial authorities did not take the necessary steps to inform Mrs. Karesvaara and Mr. Njie of the existence of legal proceedings against them and did not gave them the opportunity for the trial to be held again despite the fact that they did not waive their right to litigate. In addition, the ECHR has ordered Spain to pay the plaintiffs the sum of 2,400 euros for moral damages and to pay the costs of approximately 8,000 euros.